Monday, August 25, 2008

-Douglas Adams

"It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes."

I just wasn't meant to sleep much I guess.
I have this article that talks a bit about two of my chronic illnesess, Chronic Myofascial Pain, and Fibromyalgia. So if you are curious,


Bethany said...

You're going to think I'm a total blog stalker (I kind of am- I have a thing on my blog that tells me anytime someone has updated).

I read the article (well, kinda skimmed because I didn't understand a lot of it). I'm sorry you've had to go through all the frustrations of trying to be diagnosed and now dealing with the pain! I understand the feeling of doctors thinking the pain is all in your head and it's so frustrating!

Have you heard anything about going on a gluten free diet for fibromyalgia? It's supposed to help quite a bit. I finally learned that I was always sick because I'm sensitive to gluten. And it's hereditary. I've wondered before if you might have a sensitivity to it as well (along with some other cousins). Research "celiac disease" or "gluten sensitivity" and see if the symptoms match yours.

If you want any more information on it or just to talk about it, let me know.

SicklyGothGirl said...

Automated stalking...nifty. XD
I have heard that gluten free is good for it, but I'm still figuring out the fact that citric acid makes me sick. And it's in positively everything, though if you know of any gluten free recipes that might also not have citric acid...throw 'em my way!
Thanks for reading my long and very possibly exciting