Friday, October 10, 2008

8 TV Shows that I love to watch:
Most of the things I watch aren't on much anymore. Thank goodness for DVD's!
1. The X-Files
2. Fullmetal Alchemist
3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
4. Angel
5. Stargate SG-1
6. CSI (the original Vegas)
7. Samurai Champloo
8. The Naked Archeaologist

8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Fazolis
2. Anywhere with Breadsticks.
3. Ditto...
4. Ditto again....
5. You get the idea....
6. .....
7. I need to get out more?
8. *sigh*

8 Things that happened yesterday:
1. C.J. came over!
2. We watched some movies...
3. We went to Village Inn...
4. Went to Micheals!
5. Drooled on some beading supplies...
6. C.J. went home. :(
7. Wrote in my pretty new journal.
8. Read a bit.

8 Things that I’m looking forward to:
1. Getting to eat real food again....I'm on a really low cholesteral diet. The fiend!
2. Trying out some pictures... hoping the camera will work.
3. Getting over this flare so I can re-do my test.
4. Doing these nifty bead flowers. I'm looking for the proper beads.
5. Going to school...
6. Anytime I'm with C.J.!
7. Going to the Library!
8. Hanging out with my kitty. He's a spaz. ^_^

8 Things on my wish list:
1. A digital camera that actually works. I know I won't be able to get a rebel anytime soon so I'd just go for the Kodak Easyshare Z1012-IS. It's the next version of the one we have that is almost dead...
2. Getting well enough to work. (That's more like a crazy fantasy...)
3. Bookstore shopping spree. Espescially if they have old and/or rare books. Since I collect 'em.
4. Torrid shopping spree...
5. Work as a photographer. Character portraits...Maybe some pictures bought...
7. Driver's Liscense! I know, I'm 20 and don't have one! I just never learned.
8. Make some friends...


Brooke Bennett said...

I love learning things about you!

The Woolley's said...

hahaha that was funny about the restaurant! It is super fun getting to know more about you! Keep blogging!

Joel said...

I love the X-files!

Good choice!